Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Quick Update

My next review should be up by the weekend. I can't believe how long it's taking to complete, but I think it will be worth it.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sorry for the delay...

I just want to let you guys know that my next Pasta riff, review, whatever is on hold because I am embarking on a unique endeavor (I have a guest writer, my friend and "pegasister" going by the name of Black Betrayal) and as such we are still trying to work at all the kinks and the dinks and the...

Black Betrayal: He accidently deleted all of the work we had so far.

...Thanks a lot...

BB: You're welcome. ^)^

Regardless, due to this we have to start all over because Blogger has no undo button and because it was already taking a little bit of time to begin with, it could be a rather lengthy delay. I'll get into why I have a guest and all that jazz during the actual riffing, but for now just know it could be awhile.

BB: By the way Death...*Pulls out a cupcake with rainbow frosting* want a cupcake? ^)^

...No thank you...