Title: Thomas and the Children
Found on the Creepypasta Wiki; Not sure who it is...
Warning: this story is graphic!
Graphic is the new horrible.
Ever hear of Thomas the tank engine? If you have been around little kids between the ages of two and around seven or so, I'm sure you have.
7 YEAR OLDS WATCH THOMAS THE TRAIN ENGINE! I'm sorry, but I was done with that when I was 4.
My son adored Thomas so much so that he could name every single train, knew what color they were and the number they had painted on them.
He got beat up at school every single day.
I was glad when I heard that he was coming to visit me over the summer but I had a ton of work to do so I bought him a Thomas DVD. The cover looked innocent enough, Thomas was smiling and little wooden children were waving their arms out of the windows in his coaches. The DVD was called Thomas and the Children.
"In hindsight, I think Thomas's eyes may have been missing..."
He was so excited to see the DVD that right off the bat, he pleaded with me to pop it into the DVD player. I went to work while he watched it. After a few hours, he came into my office, looking as pale as a sheet. "Daddy," His voice seemed weak.
"Are you okay?" I said. I touched his head and noticed that his temperature had gone up.
"Why did Thomas kill the children?" My heart sank like a stone but I soon brushed it off.
I would be more shocked and/or appalled, but that is just me. Parents in Creepypastas tend to be REALLY retarded.
After putting him to bed. I got curious as to what he had seen. I popped in the DVD and began to watch the episode play. There was no main menu like most DVDs, it just went straight to the episode. It seemed normal enough, Thomas was told to take a group of children to the seaside by the instructions of Sir Topham Hat.
If I know the internet like I think I do, this either leads to murder or rape...
I noticed something odd though there was no narrator in this episode.
The episode then showed Thomas picking up the little wooden children and showed every single one of them climb onboard. Then there was a scene with him zooming down the rails like he always did and the children were cheering, "but then there was trouble," as they say in the show.
Which means he has watched enough of the show to know one of the show's signature lines... That is more then a little sad once you start thinking about it.
Bertie the bus was stuck on the railway tracks.
Bertie the bus? Wow... I am just now remembering how bad this show sucked.
This is when the episode got strange. Bertie stared at Thomas in fear but the little blue wooden train just smiled and sped up. What was even more disheartening is that he started laughing.
Thomas: *in his mind* Mother fucking bus ruining the train industry... I'll show him...
The children were crying and little tears could be seen painted on their faces.
Look at the creepy crying wooden children... LOOK AT THEM!!!
Thomas crashed into Bertie causing pieces of both of them to go flying everywhere. Usuallly by now the narrator would say, "and luckily no one was hurt," but there was no resurrance for kids.
...Normally, this wouldn't happen in the show... AT ALL!!!!
The episode then showed the carnage on the inside of the coaches. Wooden limps were broken off, what looked like actual blood had been splattered everywhere, heads had been ripped from the bodies of the wooden dolls and worse yet the children still had tears upon their faces.
At the risk of sounding like a heartless douche or whatever, wouldn't you feel a bit more terrified if it was real children, not just dolls that had been splattered?
Everything went to static. After that I felt myself boiling over with anger. What sicko would create something that messed up for little kids? Then I paused the static. Messages started to appear on the screen. Disturbing messages like kill, obey, multiply and die.
So, I guess that leaves their choices for their victims at "eliminate" or "fornicate."
I watched the static for over an hour and noticed at least thirty different messages.
I'm assuming one of them was "Please, for the love of god, don't post this story on the internet!!!"
I threw the accursed thing in the trash after breaking it in half. I would not expose my child to anymore of that trash. Before going to bed myself, I checked him.
Ouch... I'm sure the kid appreciated crashing into a Plexiglas wall (or... whatever the heck hockey walls are made out of.)
He was happily asleep and snoring, clutching his teddy.
I had a nightmares from this, one where the children came into my room but they were life like and as tall as a normal person.
Apparently, the sight of seeing happy children sleeping makes you imagine that they want to kill you. Who'd of thunk?
Their twisted forms grabbed my limbs and pulled me apart, while I heard that blasted train laughing. Now I have woken up, covered in blood, knife in hand and I'm afraid to check my son's room.
...Ok then... I'll just let that ending speak for itself.
Final Thoughts: For the record, this pasta could of been a lot worse. Thomas the Train Engine is creepy, but not quite creepy enough to earn a pasta. This one is really just your standard "lost episode" type deal, and, I reiterate, it could of been worse. It also doesn't have as many writing fluff ups as a lot of Creepypasta, so there is that. However, the story is still very cliche and pretty predictable. If it was trying to go the horror pasta route, I would of had him wake up while he was killing his son, but I can't really say if that would of made the story better or worse. Thankfully, it is a short read, and it probably took a Thomas creepypasta as far as it could of reasonably gone... Well... I do have one legit complaint.
Those faces in Thomas were creepy as all hell. This pasta would of been scary had he just described the look on Thomas very primitive looking CGI-ish face (I can't remember what technique they used to make those hell spawns...) but instead, it just kind of skims over that option.
Still would of been a strange, mediocre story in the realm of Creepycrapsta.
Final Rating: 3/10 Demonic Trains.